Difficulty defecating or constipation is a digestive disorder that is common and experienced by almost everyone. This condition can make you uncomfortable and even painful, this will certainly interfere with your daily activities.
Defecating less than three times a week is an early sign that you are experiencing constipation. Constipation is also accompanied by hard stools so it takes extra effort to get it out. In addition, people who experience constipation will feel that their bowel movements are not complete.
The severity also varies, from a stomach that becomes full to pain in the stomach. Studies say that 1 in 5 people in the world experience chronic constipation. The risk may even increase in women with age. Chronic constipation can even lead to other diseases, such as hemorrhoids and colon cancer.
Constipation is most often caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and often delaying bowel movements. Basically, constipation occurs when stool moves slowly in the digestive tract, the trigger is a low-fiber diet, dehydration, or due to taking certain medications. In rare cases, constipation is caused by disease or anatomical abnormalities, such as an obstruction in the intestine.
How to Overcome Constipation?
If you are constipated, here are various effective ways to deal with constipation:
1. Increase fiber intake
You can start by consuming more foods and drinks that are rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This will help to improve bowel function in digestion and facilitate defecation.
2. Sports
Exercising regularly 5 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes can help overcome constipation and keep stool moving into the large intestine.
3. Drink more water
In dealing with constipation, Mums are advised to meet the fluid needs of eight glasses every day. Avoid consuming too much caffeine, as this can trigger dehydration.
4. Don’t hold back your bowel movements
The habit of delaying bowel movements is one of the main causes of constipation. The habit of often delaying defecation will cause the stool to accumulate more and more so that it becomes hard and difficult to expel.
5. Consumption of probiotics
Some people choose to use laxatives for constipation disorders. However, this is not recommended for long term use. A safer option to help with constipation is a drink rich in probiotics.
Probiotics are good bacteria that live naturally found in fermented foods, or in supplement form. When consumed, probiotics will improve the gut microbiome which is good for digestive health. In addition to nourishing the digestive tract, these bacteria have many benefits, such as preventing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and other good benefits.
Studies show that increasing probiotic intake can even reduce blood sugar levels, support weight loss, optimize liver function, and maintain healthy skin. Probiotics can also reduce the ability of harmful bacteria to multiply in the intestines. In dealing with constipation, choose drinks that are rich in fiber and probiotics that are safe and of guaranteed quality, such as NutriBear Royal Belly.

This fiber-rich drink can help cleanse and maintain intestinal health, and is effective in treating constipation. Not only rich in fiber, this drink is also equipped with probiotic and prebiotic bacteria so that it is optimal for maintaining and nourishing your intestines. The vitamin content also complements the nutrients in this drink.
This drink has a natural taste and is low in calories so it is safe to consume every day. Don’t worry Mums, NutriBear Royal Belly also has Halal certificates, HACCP, GMP Quality, USDA Organic, and BPOM RI. NutriBear Royal Belly has 2 variants, unsweetened and flavored.
So, now you know how to deal with constipation. Don’t forget to apply the tips regularly to get optimal results.
Source: Guesehat