Merawat Kulit Bayi

Treat Baby’s Skin Properly to Avoid Problems!

Kulit bayi sangat rentan mengalami masalah karena masih tipis dan sensitif. Beruntungnya, kebanyakan masalah kulit bayi tidak berbahaya dan dapat hilang seiring waktu. Jika si Kecil sudah pulang dari rumah sakit ataupun klinik bersalin, sekarang waktunya Mums mengenali apa saja masalah kulit yang bisa dialami olehnya dan bagaimana merawat kulitnya!

Article Urban Parenting Thumbnail

Urban Parenting Event for Mama

Maintaining the health of your little one can be done in various ways, two of which are by maintaining healthy skin and food intake. At the end of last September, children’s skincare brand Buds Organic and baby food brand Ivenet officially launched their products with an event themed “Urban Parenting”. The event which was attended … Read more

5 Eksim Pada Anak Yang Sering Dialami Dan Tips Mengatasinya (1)

Eczema in Children Often Experienced and Tips for Overcoming It

The Eczema Awareness Month 2019 campaign that was heavily voiced in October is a reminder of the importance of understanding more about eczema with the hashtag #unhideEczema. This is driven by public awareness of the fact that tens of millions of people from all over the world and of all ages suffer from eczema that … Read more