Avoid pain! Here are 3 good sitting positions for pregnant women.

Hindari Nyeri! Ini 3 Posisi Duduk Ibu Hamil Yang Baik

“Entering the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of your pregnancy, you will experience a lot of discomfort, including when sitting. Choose a good and comfortable sitting position to avoid back pain and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Using specialized maternity underwear is also recommended to enhance comfort.” The proper sitting position for pregnant women should be considered … Read more

Effective way to tighten a sagging stomach after giving birth

Cara Ampuh Mengencangkan Perut Kendur Setelah Melahirkan

“How to tighten your stomach after giving birth?” This question often becomes a dilemma in the minds of mothers. Even though you are happy about the birth of your baby, a sagging stomach and bloating can reduce your level of self-confidence, so you need the best solution to tighten your stomach after giving birth. If … Read more

Breasts hurt when breastfeeding? it could be that moms have mastitis!

Payudara Sakit Saat Menyusui Bisa Jadi Moms Terkena Mastitis

Pain in the breast is indeed very disturbing, Moms, especially if Mommy is in the breastfeeding phase. Duh, I feel like the pain will disappear quickly. Hormonal changes that occur when Mommy is menstruating, choosing the wrong bra size, and too much exercise can be the cause of this condition. However, the main cause of … Read more

Mom should know!! this is how to properly breastfeed a child

Ibu Harus Tahu Begini Cara Menyusui Anak Dengan Benar (1)

Breastfeeding is the next phase that the baby and mother will go through after the birth process. Even though most people think breastfeeding is something natural, many mothers are still confused about how to breastfeed their children properly. For Mommy who is still confused, see the full review below. Benefits of Breastfeeding The Centers for … Read more

6 effective tips to restore body shape after giving birth

6 Tips Ampuh Kembalikan Bentuk Tubuh Setelah Melahirkan (1)

Pregnancy brings big changes to your body. During pregnancy, your weight will probably increase by around 5-15 kg. The size of the uterus will increase by about 500 times its normal size at the end of gestation. Not surprisingly, mothers sometimes have difficulty returning their weight back to normal after giving birth. Eits, but don’t … Read more

Should I wear a belly brace during pregnancy? check the facts here!

Haruskah Pakai Penyangga Perut Saat Hamil Cek Faktanya Disini (1)

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the condition of the stomach is getting bigger. Some mothers feel uncomfortable during activities and experience pain in the back, waist and hips due to an enlarged stomach. That is the reason pregnant women need abdominal support to support their stomach. Benefits of Stomach Support for Pregnant Women Bump … Read more