Your little one has sensitive skin and skin rashes appear on his face and body? It could be eczema, you know, Mums. Eczema or eczema is a condition that causes the skin to become inflamed, scaly, and infected. As a result, the skin will feel very itchy and cause discomfort. Eczema usually has appeared since the beginning of the baby’s birth. That’s why you need to recognize the signs and how to deal with eczema on your little one’s skin.
Causes of Eczema in Babies
Until now, the exact cause of eczema is not known. Researchers believe that eczema can occur in children due to a combination of genetics and environment. When the body is exposed to eczema triggers, the body activates the immune system, so that skin cells overreact.
Children born to families with a history of atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma have a tendency to develop eczema. Meanwhile, some children who have allergies to certain foods, rhinitis, and asthma, will usually experience this problem as well.
Signs Your Baby Has Eczema
Eczema mostly has appeared since children under the age of 5 years and will continue to occur until he is a teenager or adult. Eczema itself has different signs and symptoms in each child.
In infants aged 0-6 months, eczema often appears on the face, cheeks, chin, forehead, and scalp. There is also a spread in other areas of the body, one of which is the skin covered with diapers.
In babies 6-12 months, eczema often appears on the elbows and knees, the areas of the skin that are most prone to rubbing as he begins to learn to crawl. While in toddlers, eczema usually appears in the area of the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, around the mouth, and eyelids.
But in general, here are some signs of eczema:
- Skin feels very dry.
- Itching, especially at night.
- If the baby’s skin is white, the area of the skin that has eczema will be red. Meanwhile, if the baby’s skin is tan, it will be brown, purple, or gray.
- Small spots appear, sometimes filled with fluid that will break when scratched.
- Thick, cracked, and scaly skin.
- Swollen and sensitive skin from scratching.
If you detect the appearance of eczema on your little one’s skin, treat it immediately, Mums. The reason is, the area of skin affected by eczema and not handled properly can get wider and worse. Because of itching, your little one is prone to scratching the skin area. When the blisters and cuts can lead to infection, which can cause fever, headache, and fatigue.
Treat Eczema Well and Keep Babies From This Problem
Eczema is not a contagious disease. So if your little one shows signs, it means he or she has been exposed to something that triggers eczema. When your little one’s eczema recurs, Mums will feel sad to see he is uncomfortable, fussy, itchy, and in pain. Moreover, eczema itself can not actually be cured. So, all you can do is relieve the symptoms that arise and avoid them from reappearing.
However, you need to be careful in treating your little one’s eczema. It’s best to avoid giving drugs without a doctor’s supervision and reconsider the side effects.
For example, giving hydrocortisone cream. Although it is said to be able to help relieve swelling, itching, and redness in eczema sufferers, there are a number of side effects from its use, such as:
- Suppress the immune system.
- There is a change in skin color.
- The skin may experience a burning, tingling, or prickling sensation.
- Dry skin.
- The irritated area is getting wider.
- Promotes hair growth on the body.
The main thing, based on information from the National Eczema Association, children who are too often exposed to this cream on large areas of the body are at risk of experiencing slow growth and difficulty gaining weight.
So, to treat eczema while preventing this skin problem from coming back, you can do this:
1. Bathe your little one with warm water
Bathing your little one with warm water is one of the most effective ways to treat eczema and sensitive skin. Just bathe your little one for 5-10 minutes. Mums can choose soaps and shampoos that are friendly to sensitive skin and eczema, one of which is Buds Organics Super Soothing Hydrating Cleanser. Then, dry the body by patting it gently with a towel.
2. Take care of your diet
If your little one’s eczema appears or gets worse, then pay attention to your mother’s diet (if your baby is still breastfeeding) or your baby’s solid food. Keep a daily food journal, then consult your doctor what might trigger eczema in your little one.
3. Find the Triggers
The best is to treat, of course prevention is the best. There are several things that are common triggers for your little one to experience eczema, namely mold, pollen, skin care products and detergents, products with added fragrance, rough and thick types of fabric, sweat, saliva, or certain infections. So, pay close attention and avoid the triggers, Mums.
4. Keep your little one’s body cool
Mums can compress the itchy or eczema area with a washcloth that has been moistened with cool water. Also avoid wearing your little one thick and narrow clothes, and don’t let your little one be exposed to direct sunlight. If you have to leave the house, you can wear a hat, shirt and thin long-sleeved pants, or complete the stroller with a canopy.
5. Divert your little one’s attention so as not to scratch his skin
Try to distract your little one when he starts scratching his skin. Invite him to play or read a book. Make sure your little one’s nails are always kept short and clean to avoid scratching them when they accidentally scratch their skin.
6. Always keep your little one’s skin moist
About 20-30% of people with eczema have a genetic variation that makes the outermost layer of the skin vulnerable to damage. This makes it harder for the skin to retain moisture and fend off exposure to foreign bodies.
Therefore, you must always apply products that can moisturize your little one’s skin at all times, especially after bathing. Mums can choose the Super Soothing range from a minimum of 95% organic ingredients in it.

The Super Soothing series is able to help moisturize and nourish your little one’s skin. As a daily lotion, Deep Moisturizing can be the right choice for your little one who has sensitive skin. The content provides effective nutrition and is also safe for daily use.
For mild types of rash or eczema, Rescue Lotion can provide a calming effect. As for the type of rash or severe eczema, Intensive Cream can help relieve it.

Already certified organic by Ecocert, France, both of these products have been clinically tested and are free of artificial fragrances and harmful chemicals, so they are safe to use on sensitive skin and your little one’s eczema area.
It’s easy to use. Mums just have to apply the Deep Moisturizing Cream to the little one’s body after bathing, then followed by applying Rescue Lotion or Intensive Cream on the skin area that has a rash or eczema. Let stand for a while so that the cream is completely absorbed, then put your little one in clothes and diapers. For more information about Buds Organics products, click here, Mums! (US)
Souce: Guesehat
Healthline: Hydrocortisone Cream for Babies: Safety, Use, Risks, Alternatives
Healthline: 5 At-Home Treatments for Baby Eczema
Mayo Clinic: Atopic dermatitis (eczema) Eczema
National Eczema Association: Understanding Eczema in Children