6 Tips Ampuh Kembalikan Bentuk Tubuh Setelah Melahirkan (1)

6 effective tips to restore body shape after giving birth

Pregnancy brings big changes to your body. During pregnancy, your weight will probably increase by around 5-15 kg. The size of the uterus will increase by about 500 times its normal size at the end of gestation. Not surprisingly, mothers sometimes have difficulty returning their weight back to normal after giving birth. Eits, but don’t … Read more

Haruskah Pakai Penyangga Perut Saat Hamil Cek Faktanya Disini (1)

Should I wear a belly brace during pregnancy? check the facts here!

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the condition of the stomach is getting bigger. Some mothers feel uncomfortable during activities and experience pain in the back, waist and hips due to an enlarged stomach. That is the reason pregnant women need abdominal support to support their stomach. Benefits of Stomach Support for Pregnant Women Bump … Read more

Whatsapp Image 2022 09 09 At 2.51.32 Pm

Can stretch marks during pregnancy go away? here’s the answer!

Most pregnant women can develop stretch marks. Stretch marks are harmless, but these pink and purplish lines are thought to be distracting. Because stretch marks often appear on the skin area of ​​the abdomen, breasts, and thighs. Then, can stretch marks disappear? The answer is no. Stretch marks that appear during or after pregnancy, can not be completely … Read more